A spell of time in the life of a family living in rural Tochigi prefecture, north of Tokyo. Though her husband is busy working at an office, Yoshiko is not an ordinary housewife, instead working on an animated film project at home. Uncle Ayano has recently arrived, looking to get his head together after living in Tokyo for several years. Meanwhile, Yoshiko’s daughter Sachiko is mainly concerned with why she seems to be followed around everywhere by a giant version of herself.
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Quality: BluRay
Year: 2004
Duration: 143 Min
Director:Katsuhito Ishii
Cast:Anna Tsuchiya, Emi Wakui, Hideaki Anno, Kaiji Moriyama, Keisuke Horibe, Kenichi Matsuyama, Kenji Mizuhashi, Kirin Kiki, Kotaro Shiga, Machiko Ono, Maya Banno, Rinko Kikuchi, Ryo Kase, Satomi Tezuka, Shinji Takeda, Susumu Terajima, Tadanobu Asano, Takahiro Sato, Tatsuya Gashûin, Tomokazu Miura, Tomoko Nakajima, Yoji Tanaka, Yuka Nomura
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